
16 03, 2025

Bridging the North Sea: Unveiling the Roman Maritime Network

2025-03-16T20:07:26+00:00March 16th, 2025|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , |

Author: timetravelrome /

Over the past year, archaeologists and heritage professionals from the UK, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands have been working together on the "Bridging the North Sea" project. Their aim? To uncover how the North Sea connected these regions during Roman times rather than dividing them. The results are gradually showing how the sea served as a dynamic highway linking communities, ideas, and economies [...]

31 12, 2024

Alesia: Site of Caesar’s Greatest Victory

2024-12-31T19:26:59+00:00December 31st, 2024|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , , |

Author: timetravelrome /

Created by Timetravelrome in collaboration with Michel Gybels. The year was 52 BCE, and Gaul was ablaze with rebellion. After years of Roman expansion, the Celtic tribes had finally united under a charismatic leader named Vercingetorix. What followed would become one of history's most epic sieges – a make-or-break moment that would determine the fate of Gaul. The history of the battle In [...]

17 08, 2024

Roman Villa of Casignana in Calabria and its Mosaics

2024-08-17T16:31:00+00:00August 17th, 2024|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , |

Author: timetravelrome /

Timetravelrome in collaboration with Michel Gybels The Roman Villa of Casignana is located in the province of Reggio Calabria. The original structure dates back to the 1st century AD and its most significant phase is represented by a major renovation that took place in the 4th century. It was later abandoned in the 5th, but traces of frequentation are visible up to the [...]

6 08, 2024

Roman Baths of Acconia di Curinga in Calabria

2024-08-06T12:59:34+00:00August 6th, 2024|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , |

Author: timetravelrome /

Michel Gybels for Time Travel Rome Curinga is a small village near Catanzaro in Calabria. The Calabrian area has always been an inexhaustible source of archaeological finds, especially in a well-demarcated area known as the Isthmus of Mercellinara: a narrow strip of land separating the Ionian Sea from the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Roman thermal baths of Acconia di Curinga are situated near the [...]

28 01, 2024

Domus Grimani Exhibition & History of the Collection

2024-01-28T19:09:10+00:00January 28th, 2024|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , |

Author: timetravelrome /

Those who travel to Venice do not necessarily have in mind that Venice is home to several masterpieces of ancient art. In particular, Venice has - and exhibits - the famous Grimani Collection, whose magnificent ancient sculptures are displayed in the Archaeological Museum of the city. In 2019 a very special event took place: an exhibition called “Domus Grimani”. At this date, part [...]

19 01, 2024

Archaeological Exhibitions in 2024

2024-01-20T19:46:51+00:00January 19th, 2024|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: |

Author: timetravelrome /

Many of us will be traveling in 2024. For those who haven't made up their minds yet, here's a list of exhibitions scheduled for 2024 in some of the most popular destination countries. The list is by no means exhaustive, but I hope it will give you some good ideas for making new artistic and archaeological discoveries in 2024. Some exhibitions are not [...]

17 12, 2023

Roman Theater of Cartagena

2023-12-17T15:18:18+00:00December 17th, 2023|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , |

Author: timetravelrome /

Written for Timetravelrome by Michel Gybels. Cartagena (called Carthago Nova by the Romans) was a major urban center with the usual range of civic structures to demonstrate the city’s status to the rest of the world. These included a theatre capable of accommodating around 7000 spectators, constructed between the years 5 and 1 BC. In the third century AD a market was built [...]

4 12, 2023

Carthago Nova & Molinete Roman Forum Museum

2023-12-05T19:32:13+00:00December 4th, 2023|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , , , |

Author: timetravelrome /

Written for Timetravelrome by Michel Gybels History of Carthago Nova Originally named Martia, this settlement on the southern Iberian coast was refounded by the Carthaginian general Hasdrubal Barca (Hannibal’s brother) around 227 BC as Qart Hadasht (the “New City”). Its time as a Carthaginian possession was short-lived. Just seventeen years later, as the Second Punic War was drawing to a close, the Roman [...]

9 11, 2023

A Glimpse into Gallo-Roman Heritage of Arlon

2023-11-09T22:15:29+00:00November 9th, 2023|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , , |

Author: timetravelrome /

Arlon, known as "Orolaunum" in Roman times, was an important settlement in the region during the Gallo-Roman period, which spanned from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD. The city was strategically situated at the intersection of the roads Reims-Trier and Metz-Tongeren and has enjoyed great prosperity during the first centuries of our era, thanks to trade with neighboring regions and [...]

17 08, 2023

Two Aqueducts of Arles & Mills of Barbegal

2023-08-17T20:36:58+00:00August 17th, 2023|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , |

Author: timetravelrome /

By Michel Gybels for Time Travel Rome Two Aqueducts of Arles As early as the Augustan era, the colony of Arles was fed by several springs located in the Alpilles mountain range, to the northeast of the town. The map of the Arles aqueducts exhibited in the Arles Archaeological Museum. Photo by TimeTravelRome. A first 51 km aqueduct (known as the [...]

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