Hidden Gems

A Home away from Rome: 7 Roman Villas to explore in Britain

Author: timetravelrome /

Author: Kieren Johns. The Romans first made direct contact with Britain in the middle of the 1st century BC, when Julius Caesar invaded in 55 and 54 BC. Rome’s most famous general believed that the island’s native Celtic people had been providing support to the Gauls in France, against whom he was waging the war that would secure his fame. Within a century, [...]

2020-07-19T23:46:42+00:00July 7th, 2020|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , , , , |

Philip the Arab from Philippopolis

Author: timetravelrome /

Author: Marian Vermeulen Marcus Julius Philippus, commonly referred to as Philip the Arab, is an enigmatic figure of Roman imperial history. For all the major events of his life there are two different explanations of the motives behind them and various versions claiming to be the true story. His early life remains almost entirely a mystery. His father, Julius Marinus, was a local [...]

2020-08-29T18:38:51+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , |

Off the Beaten Via: Top 5 of Northern Italy

Author: timetravelrome /

Author: Kieren Johns All roads lead to Rome, or so the old proverb goes. For those of us with an interest in the ancient world, it’s a saying that still very much rings true to this day. Whether it’s a chance to explore the remains of the ancient city itself in the Forum, or the opportunity to get up close and personal with [...]

2020-08-29T19:05:21+00:00March 11th, 2020|Categories: Hidden Gems, Top Destinations|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Pertinax – The Humble Emperor From Savo

Author: timetravelrome /

Thus did Pertinax, who undertook to restore everything in a moment, come to his end.” - Cassius Dio Christened Publius Helvius Pertinax, the future emperor enjoyed a humble and practical beginning, which informed his decisions throughout his life. He even maintained his business enterprises in Vada Sabatia, just south of Savo, after being named emperor. Though a favorite of the people and the [...]

2020-08-29T19:29:35+00:00March 3rd, 2020|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , , |

Laodice: Ruthless Queen and Prosperous City

Author: timetravelrome /

In this post we feature turkisharchaeonews.net and Izabela Miszczak photogaphies. Thank you Izabela for you great work ! In the instability left by the death of Alexander the Great, his top generals vied for position and power, with four eventually succeeding in establishing their own dynasties. One of these was Seleucus, who ruled over the region of Syria and Mesopotamia from his seat [...]

2019-12-09T19:46:37+00:00December 9th, 2019|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , , |

Fulvia Antonia Makes a Final Stand in Perusia

Author: timetravelrome /

As one of the twelve confederate cities of Etruria, ancient Perusia, now Perugia, was an important settlement of the Etruscans. It fought in early conflicts with Rome, and was a leading force in the rebellion of 295 B.C. However, the rebellion failed, and Perusia had no choice but to seek a peace treaty with Rome. By the time of the Second Punic War, [...]

2020-07-19T19:40:43+00:00November 12th, 2019|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , , |

Julia the Elder: Exile to Pandataria

Author: timetravelrome /

"There are two wayward daughters that I have to put up with: the Roman commonwealth and Julia." - Emperor Augustus Julia Augusti filia, or Julia the Elder, daughter of the Emperor Augustus, was a fascinating wild card in an era and culture where the ideal woman was quiet, steadfast, and even-tempered. Her personality was neither uniquely good nor bad, and like many famous [...]

2019-11-05T21:43:32+00:00November 5th, 2019|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , , |

Mithraeum of Aquincum: a Little Gem in the Center of Europe

Author: timetravelrome /

The ancient city of Aquincum, known today as Budapest, hosts one of the most beautiful archaeological parks of the Central Europe. The Museum of Aquincum and the eponymous Archaeological Park feature a marvelous array of artifacts, including the restored House of Painter and, more recently, a beautifully restored Mithraeum. It was opened for visitors in 2018. History of the Aquincum city Originally a [...]

2019-09-26T21:06:49+00:00September 26th, 2019|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , |

Intrigues, Treasons, and Corruption at Capri

Author: timetravelrome /

The island of Capri and its main city of the same name boast a long and illustrious history. Virgil’s Aeneid claims that Greek colonists from Teleboi settled the island, but evidence suggests that it held earlier inhabitants. The Romans themselves made the initial discovery. Suetonius recorded that during excavations for one of Augustus’s villa getaways, workers discovered stone weapons and giant bones. Modern [...]

2019-09-23T19:38:34+00:00September 23rd, 2019|Categories: Hidden Gems|

The Battle of Sentinum

Author: timetravelrome /

An early city situated in the Marche region of Italy, Sentinum became a focal point in Rome’s wars with other Italian tribes. In 295 B.C., the Battle of Sentinum decided the outcome of the Third Samnite War and placed the city under the rule of the Roman Republic. It would remain an important city during the transition from Republic to Empire, eventually becoming [...]

2019-09-04T20:42:20+00:00September 4th, 2019|Categories: Hidden Gems|Tags: , , |
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