Top Destinations

The Great Circumvallation of Alesia

Author: timetravelrome /

 “He stated that he had undertaken that campaign, not for his own occasions, but for the general liberty; and as they must yield to fortune he offered himself to them for whichever course they pleased — to give satisfaction to the Romans by his death, or to deliver him alive.” - Julius Caesar, Gallic Wars Alesia is little known besides its famous identity [...]

2019-06-14T18:10:23+00:00June 14th, 2019|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , , , |

Verona and Conflict for Imperial Power Centers

Author: timetravelrome /

The city of Verona treats visitors to some of the richest Roman remains in all of northern Italy. Uniquely, its Roman theater and amphitheater are both still in use for performances today. The amphitheater, known as the Roman Arena, is famous for its epic performances of large operas. In the past, the city occupied a strategic place near the river Adige and it [...]

2019-06-11T21:10:12+00:00June 11th, 2019|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , |

Acaunum and the Decimation of the Theban Legion

Author: timetravelrome /

The ancient ruins in the city of Acaunum, now modern day Saint-Maurice, are not extensive. Yet their display is beautiful, and they are steeped in the legend of the Decimation of the Theban Legion. Begun in the Bronze Age or before, it was around 30 B.C. that Acaunum fell under Roman rule. Traditional Christian accounts tell of the martyrdom of an entire Roman [...]

2019-06-05T21:58:52+00:00June 5th, 2019|Categories: Hidden Gems, Top Destinations|Tags: , , , |

Emerged from Capua: Spartacus and the Slave War

Author: timetravelrome /

For those who enjoy a bit of historical pop culture, the city of Capua is probably all too familiar due to its association with Spartacus and slave rebellions. Founded during the 6th or 8th centuries BCE, Capua was in the region of Campania. Campania was a prosperous and wealthy region, valued for its lush countryside. Capua itself among many things was a centre [...]

2019-06-03T20:41:07+00:00June 3rd, 2019|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , , |

Lord of the Nile Hapi and Nilometers on Coins

Author: timetravelrome /

Egyptians never called their river “Nile”. This word comes from the Egyptian “nwy”, which means 'water' – it was mispronounced by Greeks as “Neilos”. But the original and very ancient name of Nile was “Hapi” probably signifying "the hidden". Later, Egyptians started to call the Nile 'the river', and Hapi became the name of river’s god, or, more precisely, the god of the [...]

2019-05-31T13:05:50+00:00May 31st, 2019|Categories: Coins and travel, Top Destinations|Tags: , , , |

Berenice II: Powerful Political Player of Cyrene

Author: timetravelrome /

The wars following the death of Alexander saw his great empire split into four, each considered a Hellenistic Kingdom. There were the Seleucids to the east, based out of Babylon. The Antigonids ruled Macedonia and Greece. The great Ptolemaic Empire controlled Egypt from their seat in Alexandria. The fourth and often forgotten kingdom was that of Pergamon, in northern Asia Minor. These four [...]

2019-05-28T11:14:45+00:00May 28th, 2019|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , , |

In Honor of Pella: 6 Crazy Tales about Alexander the Great

Author: timetravelrome /

This past week, the Central Archaeological Council of Greece announced their approval of a plan for certain restoration projects in the ancient city of Pella. A study to this end has been underway since 2016, but this is the first step toward that dream. It will aim to preserve and restore segments of the large ornate entrance and the main ceremonial building. They [...]

2019-05-23T10:24:18+00:00May 23rd, 2019|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , |

Scipio and Masinissa Part Five: Drama at Cirta

Author: timetravelrome /

By the time of the Second Punic War, Cirta was the capital of the kingdom of Numidia. Here Syphax established his headquarters, after defecting from the Romans and taking much of Masinissa’s ancestral kingdom. Syphax also gained a wife from his new support of Carthage, Sophonisba, who was Masinissa’s former fiancée. After his return from Spain, Masinissa at once began a campaign to [...]

2019-05-20T13:55:45+00:00May 20th, 2019|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , , |

Hortensia Speaks Out in the Forum Romanum

Author: timetravelrome /

Nestled between the Palatine and the Capitoline Hills, the Forum Romanum was the heart of activity in ancient Rome. To this day its ruins attract millions of visitors. The area was originally a thick bog, entirely uninhabitable. Taquinius Superbus, the very last king of Rome, ordered the area drained by the construction of the Cloaca Maxima, one of the world’s earliest examples of [...]

2019-05-17T11:30:30+00:00May 17th, 2019|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , , |

Scipio and Masinissa Part Four: Two Generals Meet Near Gades

Author: timetravelrome /

Phoenician settlers from Tyre established Gades, now Cadiz, in 1104 B.C., and in the 7th century they added a connected port. According to legend, Hercules himself founded the city after defeating Geryon, a three-headed monster. It was the tenth of his famous twelve labors. The Carthaginians took the city when they invaded Spain during the 2nd Punic War. Hannibal even made sacrifices in [...]

2019-05-15T11:17:18+00:00May 15th, 2019|Categories: Top Destinations|Tags: , , , |
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